EHR Regulatory Relief Act Reintroduced by Senators


A group of United States Senators on Thursday put forth legislation intended to reduce the burden that using EHRs and attesting to the meaningful use incentive program put on doctors.

"Our bill ensures that unnecessary regulatory burdens do not continue to negatively affect providers' ability to leverage technology to improve patient care," said Senator John Thune, R-South Dakota. "With such strong and continued support for this legislation, I'm hopeful it will lead to swift and meaningful action in the Senate."


The EHR Regulatory Relief Act also extends flexibility for providers seeking hardship exemptions for the 2017 EHR reporting period and payment adjustments for 2019.

"The use of electronic health records has the potential to revolutionize patient care," Enzi said. "But if we want electronic health records to work for providers and patients, we have to provide relief from unrealistic and burdensome requirements and build flexibility within the program."

Source: Healthcare IT News (View full article)

Posted by Dan Corcoran on November 3, 2017 07:54 AM

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