The Potential of Blockchain in Healthcare



Marlin Finance details the potential they see for Blockchain technology in Healthcare, including:

  • Patient health data - Using blockchain for health data exchanges would ensure health data interoperability, integrity and security. It would give providers easy access to historic and real-time data from disparate electronic medical records systems scattered across multiple facilities.
  • Billing and claims management - Using blockchain to automate the claims resolution and payment processes could speed payments, reduce administrative costs and eliminate the need for intermediaries to resolve issues.
  • Pharmaceuticals - Counterfeit drugs cost pharmaceutical companies $200 billion each year.[4] Blockchain could track the chain of custody for drugs through the supply chain and establish smart contracts to maintain drug integrity and veracity.
  • Drug testing and development - Experts estimate 50% of clinical trials are not reported, creating knowledge gaps for patients, clinicians and policy makers.[5] Using blockchain for clinical trials would establish permanent records of testing protocols and results for use by all stakeholders.
  • Health care internet of things (IoT) - Health care data breaches have increased and the growing use of health care IoT devices poses a looming threat. Analysts expect up to 30 billion health care IoT devices will be in use around the world by 2020.[6] Blockchain could securely bridge the interoperability gap between various devices and protect their data outputs.

Source: Marlin Finance (View full article)

Posted by Dan Corcoran on January 29, 2018 07:12 AM

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